Monday, May 30, 2011

Nasal Polyps In Domestic Animals

Healthy food that heals a broken heart

Did you know that there are healthy snacks that can help you heal a broken heart? These foods might otherwise not on your gun postprekidnog menu, but it is very effective in repairing the mood.

-1 -
Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is good for your heart, skin and psychological health. It contains substances that make you happier.

-2 - Jezgričasti fruits
They are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, so if you are looking for something that will improve the mood, Ljesnica, walls, and nuts are an excellent choice.

-3 - Grašasto
vegetables, beans and peas improve your mood. Are a rich source of iron and calcium. Calcium is known for its relaxing action.

-4 - Fish
Studies have shown that people who eat more fish happier. Fish contain omega 3 fatty acids, which are used to treat depression, vitamins B6 and B12, and many substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

-5 - Pasta
Foods rich in carbohydrates helps soothe the mind.


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